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MYANMAR TOUR   -   Code: MYP08

Durée: 8 Jours
Début: Yangon
Fin: Yangon
Prix de : Disponible sur demande
Thème: Culture/ History and nature
Transportation: Car/bus/ boat
Hébergement : Hotel
Période: Year around

Lieux visités: Yangon – Bagan - Mount Popa – Mandalay – Mingun – Heho – Pindaya - Inle Lake – Yangon



Day 01   : Yangon

Day 02   : Yangon - Bagan      

Day 03 : Bagan – Mount Popa - Bagan 

Day 04 : Bagan–Mandalay & Mingun

Day 05 : Mandalay–Amarapura –Heho-Pindaya- Inle Lake  

Day 06   : Inle Lake

Day 07 : Inle Lake – Heho – Yangon    

Day 08 : Yangon - Departure                 


Detailed program:


Day 01   : Yangon    


Meet on arrival at Yangon International Airport and transfer to hotel. Today's sightseeing tour includes the gilded SULE PAGODA, dating back over 2,000 years, BOGYOKE (SCOTT’S) MARKET (closed on Monday and public holiday) with hundreds of stores and a visit of a gems shop. The tour continues to CHAUK HTAT GYI, a huge reclining Buddha image followed by a photo stop made at KARAWEIK HALL, a royal floating barge. An extended visit to SHWEDAGON PAGODA, one of the world’s most spectacular religious monuments, will conclude the tour of this picturesque Garden City. The golden dome of the Shwedagon Pagoda rises 98 meters above its base and is covered with 60 tons of pure gold. Overnight in Yangon. 


Day 02   : Yangon - Bagan             


Transfer to Yangon Airport for domestic flight to Bagan. Upon arrival in Bagan, transfer to hotel and proceed for sightseeing starting with the busy local market and continuing with visits to a diverse selection of the most important pagodas and temples such as SHWEZIGON PAGODA, built by King Anawrahta in the early 11th century, KU BYAUK GYI, a temple with exquisite murals of Jataka scenes, KHAY MIN GA TEMPLE, noted for its spectacular panoramic view of the area’s many monuments and ANANDA TEMPLE with four huge standing Buddha images and numerous seated figures in niches around the galleried interior.

Afternoon a visit of a lacquer craftsmen’s workshop in nearby MYINKABA village and sightseeing to MANUHA TEMPLE, built in mon style in 1059, NANBAYA TEMPLE, a unique sandstone monument, said to have been the palace of King Manuha and MYINGABA GU BYAUKGYI TEMPLE, noted for its ancient mural paintings. Observe sunset in the vicinity of Bagan’s ancient monuments. Overnight in Bagan.


Day 03 : Bagan – Mount Popa - Bagan    


Optional morning program: Nature Dream is offering a unique opportunity to see the ancient city of Bagan as it has never been seen before. With ‘BALLOONS OVER BAGAN’ you get a magnificent birds-eye view of thousand year-old pagodas, temples and the mighty Ayeyarwaddy River. The champagne flights at sunrise last just under an hour and take off daily from October through March. The balloon is guided by gentle winds not exceeding 24 km/h. Eight/Six passengers plus a pilot fit into the balloon’s basket. The price is USD 280/- per person (this price not included in the tour cost). Due to the limited capacity, advance bookings at an early stage are highly recommended. Booking code: BOB-BGN.

Proceed on a scenic overland journey to Mount Popa, an extinct volcano with its shrine dedicated to animist spirits, known as “Nats”. For the energetic, there is time to climb the 777 steps to the shrine at the top of the volcanic plug. Return to Bagan. Overnight. 


Day 04 : Bagan–Mandalay & Mingun


Transfer to Bagan Airport for domestic flight to Mandalay. Upon arrival at the new Mandalay Airport proceed directly a comprehensive sightseeing tour including MAHAMUNI PAGODA with its spectacular Buddha image covered with thick layers of gold leaves, SHWE NAN DAW KYAUNG or GOLDEN PALACE MONASTERY, a superb example of a traditional wooden building and KUTHODAW PAGODA, known as the world’s largest book, consisting of 729 marble slabs engraved with Buddhist scriptures. A visit is also made to a craftsmen’s workshop to see Kalaga tapestries being created.

In the afternoon, a boat trip on the mighty AYEYARWADDY RIVER takes us to MINGUN about 11 km (1 hour) upriver from Mandalay where visits include the MINGUN BELL, weighing 90 tons and being the largest uncracked bell in the world, HSINBYUME PAYA and the unfinished MINGUN PAYA, built as one of the world’s largest Chedis by King Bodaw Paya.

Overnight in Mandalay. 


Day 05 : Mandalay–Amarapura –Heho-Pindaya- Inle Lake  


In the morning, drive to Amarapura. Visit MAHAGANDAYON, a famous Buddhist monastery, where more than a thousand monks live and study; continue to the 200-year-old U BEIN teak bridge, built in 1782 at the time when Amarapura was the royal capital. Visit of BAGAYA MONASTERY, with a superb collection of Buddha statues. Transfer to Mandalay Airport for domestic flight to Heho.

Upon arrival in Heho, overland drive to PINDAYA (90 km - 2 ½ hours). Visit of the unique PINDAYA CAVES with thousands of Buddha images placed there by pilgrims over many centuries. Continue  by road to INLE LAKE (60 km - 1 ½ hours) and by boat to the hotel on the lake.

Overnight on the lake. 


Day 06   : Inle Lake    


During today's excursion by boat on the picturesque Inle Lake we see the famous leg rowers, the typical floating gardens and local methods of fishing and village life. Afternoon further visits are made to PHAUNG DAW OO PAGODA, the weaving village of INPAWKHON and other interesting sights. The beauty of sunset over the Inle Lake enchants all visitors. Overnight on the lake.


Day 07 : Inle Lake – Heho – Yangon       


Visit of a colorful local market in the Inle Lake region, then proceed to Heho Airport (25 km - 1 hour). Domestic flight to Yangon and transfer to hotel. Balance of the day at leisure to pursue individual interests. The guide and car remain at the clients’ disposal for further sightseeing or shopping. Overnight in Yangon.


Day 08 : Yangon - Departure        


Afterbreakfast, if time permit, sightseeing to Strand road with famous The Strand hotel visit. And take a relax along the busy Yangon jetty. Continue the old colonial-style city center with photo stop.

Transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure


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