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Nos Brochures

CANYONING   -   Code: DLI04

Durée: 1 Jours
Début: Your hotel
Fin: Your hotel
Prix de : Disponible sur demande
Thème: Culture and nature
Transportation: Van or car to trailhead, depending on group size
Hébergement : N/A
Période: Year around

Lieux visités: Inside Dalat


Have you ever enjoyed with your own eyes the beauty of nature in a canyon? Have you ever abseiled a waterfall and taken a swim in its spring? So, why don’t you try our CANYONING tours? No previous experience is necessary in this adventure tour but hiking, rappelling, swimming and sliding down the waterfalls. Our professional trained guides will show you the ropes and how to do.


• Practice abseiling and then go sightseeing to the 1st waterfall.

• Enjoy the pristine sites along the river with two abseilings of 18, 16, meters.

• Enjoy the water slide

• After lunch, abseiling of 25meters (in the middle waterfall)

· After abseiling the big waterfall, continue exploring the wonderful waterfalls along the river.

· Free jumping in the water and then we will come to the last abseiling “washing-machine”, awesome Waterfall!


Envoyez-nous une demande de devis et demandez-nous tout changement que vous souhaitez apporter au program.Or cliquez ici si vous préférez nous contacter par email. Veuillez noter que tous les domaines avec la marque (*) sont obligatoires.
