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Nos Brochures

Hanoi cooking tour   -   Code: HAN05

Durée: 1 Jours
Début: Your hotel
Fin: Your hotel
Prix de : Disponible sur demande
Thème: Gastronomic
Transportation: Car/bus
Hébergement : N/A
Période: Year around

Lieux visités: Inside Hanoi


Today you spend the morning time to discover the Vietnamese cuisine. A cooking class always begins with a race to the market to choose ingredients that will then be used in the morning. Then we take you in a beautiful house in the village of Thanh Tri, known with Banh Cuon - Ravioli rice, which is 7km from the city center. The mistress of the house, has the secret recipe of Banh Cuon - specialty of the village, share how to do it, then his niece - chef also give you the information to make some traditional dishes. The cooking session lasts about 2 hours. Lunch will be an opportunity to taste dishes prepared by you. Back in town and afternoon ...

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